Saturday, September 1, 2012

Getting the library ready

School started for us on Thursday, August 23rd.  On those two days, our media assistant and I browsed pinterest, worked on displays and other behind the scene stuff before library orientations brought 644 students through our library doors.  I read a blog post on my reader about "pinterest blowing up in my library."  Something similar happened in our library, too!  Pinterest has been a great tool for bookmarking library display ideas and quick how-to projects.  (I noticed that I pin almost an equal amount of recipes and library related stuff.  I love to eat and I love my job :))

I was also inspired by blog posts by SC media specialists Kristen Hearne and Tamara Cox with display ideas & graphics.  Reading their blog posts and viewing their images, inspired me to use my flickr account that has been dormant for a few years. I'm going to try to post pics from the library to my account.

Our media assistant is super crafty, creative & not afraid to use a hot glue gun (you'll see what I mean in a second).  I am so thankful to work with her and have her help in the media center.  Here are some pictures of our current library displays:
Pens & sticky notes are on the shelf for teachers & students to share books they read over the summer. 

Sports display with a sign that reads, "Kick it with a good book."
Lots of hot glue and pencils were involved in this project. This display will probably stay up till the pencils fall off.  We used sheets of loose leaf paper to cover the bulletin board.
Our SC Junior Book Award nominee list display.

Not everyone is on pinterest.  At least not yet.  Here is a short list of sites I bookmarked with ideas for future library displays:

  Library Displays 

This year I want to create more interactive displays and smaller displays featuring genres and read alike titles.  I think this will be easier to keep up with and will keep the library interesting for our visitors.  

Please share your library display ideas!  


  1. Love the new displays? Do you mind if I include these in my Pinterest Show and Tell session? I'll give you credit. Hope your hear is starting off great!

  2. Yes, thank you for including me in your presentation. Wishing you a great year and good vibes on your pursuit of national board certification!!

  3. Ooh, I love that pencil display! I'm adding it to my pinterest. :)
